Certified Nursing Aides must first attent a state-approved Certified Nursing Aide (or Assistant) school program. Once the C.N.A. has completed the training program, which will include field work, they must pass the state C.N.A. exam to become a certified nursing aide in their state.
The C.N.A. training programs involve learning the skills to safely care for anyone, including seniors, who need nursing care. It is usually the C.N.A. who assists with “hands-on” care for patients in hospitals and residents in nursing homes.
C.N.A. training programs can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months, depending on if the program is full-time or part-time.
Find Certified Nursing Aide schools in your area, along with their admission requirements and costs to consider if this training would be a fit for you.
You may also take a Sample C.N.A. exam or Practice C.N.A. exam to see exactly the information you are expected to learn as a C.N.A.
Senior care companies hire C.N.A.’s to care for seniors who have acute care needs and nursing homes and hospitals must staff a minimum number of Certified Nursing Aides based on the number of residents or patients they have at anytime. You may apply for a C.N.A. or Caregiver Job in Caregiverlist’s Career Center.