Illinois C.N.A. schools are listed in the Caregiverlist C.N.A. School Directory which includes the information on the nursing assistant school costs and admission requirements in the state of Illinois. Nursing assistants become certified in Illinois by first taking the state-approved C.N.A. course and then passing the state exam to gain their certificate. More C.N.A.’s are needed as Illinois is a state where seniors age-in-place. “Sweet Home Chicago” rings true for the state’s retirees. Please find the information on the state of Illinois’ updated nursing aide programs below.
How much does a C.N.A. school program in Illinois cost?
Of the approved certified nursing assistant training programs in Illinois, the average cost per program is $1,097 and the C.N.A. school programs pricing ranges from $550 to $2,800 for the course with books and uniform. Many of the Illinois nursing assistant programs are in the middle range for cost, between $700 and $1,000. Definitely contact schools you are considering attending to find out if you may qualify for financial assistance. Sometimes hospitals and nursing homes in Illinois will assist residents seeking to become nursing aides by reimbursing them for their C.N.A. certification training.
Average Illinois C.N.A. School Cost: $1,097
Most Popular Length of C.N.A. School course in Illinois: 130 hours
The C.N.A school requirements, along with the length of the program, and contact information is listed for each school for easy comparison. A Certified Nursing Aide often finds work in nursing homes, assisted living communities, hospitals, or senior home care agencies, providing a variety of personal and nursing care to the patients.
Caregiverlist’s Practice CNA Test, presented by Hdmaster, provides great insights into the information needed to succeed as a C.N.A. and to learn about the different types of questions nursing aide exams may ask. After getting certified, Caregiverlist provides a Caregiver Job Application, which allows you to apply for caregiving and C.N.A. jobs in an area near you.
Find Illinois C.N.A. Schools and submit your request for free C.N.A. school applications in Illinois. Remember, as the number of seniors increases by 10,000 every day, and everyone is enjoying living longer lives, more caregivers are needed and jobs are available for trained caregivers and nursing aides – become one today or refer-a-friend!