As Alzheimer’s Disease progresses, the part of the brain that responds to music will still remain intact. By finding the popular songs anyone listened to in their teenage years, you can help them reconnect since our brains maintain these music memories.
That is why Music Therapy can be powerful and significantly help many people with Alzheimer’s. A research study in 2019 found that Music Therapy helps enhance behavioral, cognitive, and social functioning.
Watch this real-life example of a senior with Alzheimer’s Disease reconnecting to her past memories performing the “Swan Lake” dance:
The teenage years are when our emotions are in high gear and for reasons still not fully understood, our minds maintain the musical song connections we make during these years. By finding the right music someone enjoyed then, you may help them reconnect.
Caregiverlist Caregiver Training explains how music connects with memory and provides playlists for different ages, check out our Caregiverlist Spotify Profile: