Professionally hired Caregivers have a few advantages over those who do not work for a quality licensed Senior Home Care Agency or senior living community. And, so do the seniors who they serve.
As corporations carry insurance coverage for liability and provide a Fidelity Bond, they are required to follow certain procedures for hiring. In addition, in order to provide quality care and maintain a dependable staff, they have implemented hiring practices which screen Caregivers for dependability, skills and trustworthiness. Many systems must be in place to properly screen a Caregiver for hiring purposes and to actively manage a Caregiver to provide them with all the resources they need to deliver quality senior care.
Did you see the movie “Catch Me if You Can”? Frank Abagnale is the star of the movie and a con-artist who poses as an airline pilot and medical doctor, to name just a couple of his disguises, to successfully steal from companies and individuals. Frank served his time in prison and now advises companies and is hired to train the FBI on how to avoid scam artists. Frank has also written a book called “The Art of the Steal” to advise companies and individuals on how to protect themselves. (Tom Hanks acted in the movie and provides a testimonial for reading the book saying anyone with money in their pocket or in the bank should read it). My business banker actually gave me a copy of the book and I have found it to be fascinating reading.
Caregiverlist promotes the need for professional background checks to be conducted on all Caregivers. In addition, we provide information on background check laws in each state and try to educate consumers about the need for a multi-state criminal background check – – – many of the nanny websites and direct-hire caregiving websites that provide background checks simply do not provide multi-state criminal background checks – they just provide the good ol’ social security name match and many of those are not even complete to include addresses where the person has lived, going back for at least 7 years. I won’t name names but if the background check is free, ask questions and click fast to another website that explains the depth of their background checks and discloses the costs. That is especially true when you are hiring a Caregiver to come behind closed doors to assist your family. You need to know who you are bringing into your home and who will have access to the senior’s personal information.
Frank Abagnale’s book provides solid information about hiring employees and putting controls in place to prevent improper conduct. After owning a senior home care agency and hiring more than 1,000 Caregivers during that time, I agree that proper systems are necessary so that even an honest person is not tempted. Caregiving is stressful and when a comfort level is developed with a client relationship, if proper systems are not in place, opportunities for taking advantage are presented. Caregivers for seniors also need to be protected from false accusations by seniors with memory loss who can become paranoid.
Frank’s book also mentions a study which found that 10 percent of employees would steal all of the time if given an easy enough opportunity, another 10 percent would never steal and 80 percent would steal if given the right motive. That means companies must be concerned about 90 percent of their workforce and have systems in place which prevent the opportunity for theft from being offered.
This is why, especially with senior care in the home, a professional senior home care agency provides great value. Senior home care agencies have created hiring procedures which keep people with dubious backgrounds out of their companies and they know how to do quality background checks and how to go beyond background checks with reference checks and interview questions which enable them to only hire trustworthy caregivers. And, they coach clients and set-up controls so that invitations for theft and other improprietary activities cannot take place. They supervise the caregivers and check-in on the client and caregiver to keep the care on track. Career caregivers working for professional agencies receive benefits and want to maintain their employment and in my experience, will call immediately to report even activities by a senior’s family members which may not seem appropriate. They also want proper system in place. Senior Home Care Agencies, for instance, require Caregivers to call for approval before accepting any client gifts, even at the holidays, just to name one of the policies which protect both the client and the caregiver.
You may learn more about background checks on and find the laws for background checks in your state which may over-ride the FCRA when senior care or child care is being provided.