Delivering Happiness by Caregiving

elderly man and caregiver

Happiness delivered on a Happiness Bus?  This weekend, Tony Hsieh, the CEO of, visited Chicago in his “Delivering Happiness Bus” as part of the promotion for his book, titled “Delivering Happiness, A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose”.

Tony sold a company in his early twenties for many millions and then began the search for what would make him happy.  He discovered the research on the science of happiness had already been done.

This research shows there are 3 types of happiness:

  • Pleasure (Rock-star high)
  • Passion (Flow and engagement- like going for a long run or knitting or anything you lose yourself in)
  • Higher Purpose (Being part of something bigger than yourself)

The longest-lasting type of happiness is the “higher purpose” type.  Then you layer on top the passion and the pleasure.

This seems to explain why so many people pursue caregiving as a career.  Is the pay the highest?  No.  Do your client’s always appreciate what you do for them? No.  Do you go home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled because you have helped someone? Yes!

Caregiving delivers a higher purpose.  Applying for a job as even a part-time caregiver makes a positive difference for those who are going to school or need extra income and being a full-time caregiver, for those who have passion for helping others…………delivers happiness!

What makes you happy?

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