Free CPR Training Videos

The Today Show provided a how-to on CPR this morning, including providing the tip to keep pace to the beat of the song “Staying Alive”  while performing chest compressions. This is because this song keeps pace at about 103 beats per minute.  A representative from the Red Cross advised that everyone should be trained on CPR and at least one member of every household should know how to perform CPR in an emergency.

You can view this informative how-to video with Matt Lauer performing CPR on a doll.

You may also watch these  free training videos on CPR from the Red Cross.  They also suggest that everyone have a first aide kit in their home.

Deffinitely family and professional Caregivers can benefit from learning CPR or taking a refresher to be ready to assist with any emergencies.  Many seniors may have a pacemaker or be taking medications which may impact their heart by speeding it up or slowing it down.  Caregivers for seniors with heart conditions are advised to be trained in CPR.

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