Chicken Soup for the Soul, the book series with motivational and heart-warming stories about life, has expanded to offer customized topics for new books. The book series next will be publishing a Chicken Soup for the Soul for Caregivers and are seeking story submissions. Possible future books may be titled: Boost Your Brain Power, Family Caregiver and Home Sweet Home.
Professional and family caregivers for seniors well know the challenges and fulfillment that comes with the job. Whether you are caring for a senior with an age-related illness such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease or assisting with activities of daily living, the book series is looking for inspiring and supportive stories. The stories can appeal to both other caregivers, family members and to seniors receiving the caregiving.
The only requirement is that the person receiving care does require constant, on-going caregiving services.
The deadline to submit stories is July 15th. You may submit your caregiving story for consideration to Chicken Soup for the Caregiver’s Soul (not sure if that will be the title when the editors are finished, but it seems like a good one) here.
Caregivers may also learn about caregiver training and job opportunities in their area.