Home Care Clean-up Kit for Senior Caregivers

elderly man and caregiver

Senior caregiving comes with many challenges, including the need to maintain a clean and healthy environment.  Keeping a clean living area is not as easy at it sounds when you must also consider health issues.  Especially if you are caring for a senior who may be confined to their bed or wheelchair, you have the added challenge of bathing them and assisting them with bathroom visits when they are not fully able to be mobile on their own.

One time, I assisted a senior with a transfer from their bed to their bedside bed-pan in order for them to have a successful toilet visit.  While I was very nervous about the transfer because the senior was a tall man, everything went smoothly.  All the lessons learned in nursing aide training paid off.  However, when I went to dump the bed pan, well, I missed the toilet some and had a bigger mess to clean-up.   

Now, Clorox has come to the rescue, marrying together multiple products needed for caregiving in a “Home Care Clean Up Kit”.  Another challenge for caregivers is finding all of the right products in one place, which usually cannot be done.  Clorox has done the research and understands caregivers must protect themselves along with protecting the senior.  Remember, one of the positive aspects of the new healthcare law, which rarely is mentioned, is the fact that hospital readmissions were rather out of control because so many times a senior goes into the hospital only to come home with a new infection.  The new healthcare law will decrease the Medicare payments to hospitals who have poor performance for readmissions.  Maintaining a clean caregiving environment impacts the quality of the senior care.

Clorox’s new caregiver product offering, called Care Concepts, offers non-latex exam gloves, hand sanitizer, stain remover, germicidal non-bleach spray, disinfecting and deodorizing spray.  And, the best part of the offering is that Clorox has packaged all of these much-needed items together in one package to allow seniors and their caregivers to easily have all the necessary tools for a clean caregiving environment.

“We’ve participated in numerous studies of caregivers, buy we are exceptionally pleased with this report because it re-enforces the hardships we often hear caregivers endure and it helps us to better understand the unique challenges and rewards of being a caregiver,” said John Schnall, CEO of the Caregiver Action Network.

Resources for senior caregivers are always appreciated and these new cleaning products (without bleach) will help caregivers more easily do their jobs.

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