Caring for the Caregiver

Many times when a family member develops medical conditions which require extra care, relatives will step in to assist with caregiving.  Then, either because the care needs progress or becasue the family members must go back to work, it becomes necessary to hire a professional caregiver.

Regardless of whether the caregiver is a paid professional or a family member, it is important to consider the care needs of the Caregiver in order to have a successful care relationship.

What is the number one injury for caregivers?  Back injuries.  Just as many Registered Nurses suffer back injuries, so do caregivers.  This is because transfers from bed to wheelchair to toilet can become more complicated when a senior does not feel well or is suffering from memory loss.

Senior Home Care Agencies provide professionally managed caregivers which includes providing for a daily routine for the care and necessary insurance coverages (which means Worker’s Compensation insurance covers any back injuries).

Make sure you talk to your Caregiver about any specific needs or requests they may have to make sure they are able to provide quality senior care.  Remember, caregiving can be emotionally and physcially exhausting so just taking the time to ask your caregiver how they are doing can make all the difference in the world.

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