Use Yoga App to Keep Fitness Resolutions

At the start of every year, gyms are flooded for a few months with new members and the number of diet commercials on TV seem to quadruple. If you made a New Year’s Resolution to be a healthier you, try the Daily Yoga app for an easy way to get some exercise at home. 

Yoga provides increased flexibility and muscle strength when practiced on a regular basis. It’s also a low-impact exercise, making it ideal to do at the end of a tough day or with your senior client if they have the range of motion needed. 

Users need to create a free account with the app when they first download it, and then they’re able to see all of the workout options on the home screen. The default screen shows an option to filter between Featured workouts or All Sessions. Under all sessions, users will see Beginners sessions such as Standing Poses, Lying Poses, Seating Poses, etc. 

Once users select one of these categories, they will see a menu of different poses such as Supine Torso Twist, Dynamic Half Little Boat, or Prone Neck Stretch. The names sound foreign to someone who is new to yoga, but the thumbnail pictures next to the name make it easier to understand what the pose will look like. 

After picking a specific group of poses, caregivers can view a preview of the video for that pose or download the video to complete their workout. The videos per pose last for about 45 seconds and shows a person on a mat completing the moves slowly while a narrator explains each part. All of the poses in a Session last for a set amount of time, i.e. 15 minutes. The videos are easy to follow, stop and rewind as necessary to ensure users complete the moves completely and accurately. 

Users can also read about the poses offered and get more background in yoga by clicking View Details under a session. A biography for the instructor leading that session also appears so users can learn more about the person they’re learning from. 

Yoga offers stress relief for caregivers, and often includes a meditative state. Try completing a session when you first wake up before your hectic day, or at night before you go to bed. The app also provides a Community section for users new to yoga to talk about why they started yoga and ask questions about the practice. 

The Daily Yoga app is available for Apple and Android platforms. 

Senior caregivers, let us know your feedback on this app and keep us posted if you discovers additional apps that assist with caregiving duties and help relieve caregiver stress. You may also refer-a-friend to a senior caregiving job and win prizes weekly and monthly on Caregiverlist. 

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