Over time it’s easy to become sick of the barrage of emails cluttering up your inbox, and needing to unsubscribe from a new list every time you buy something off the internet. Sometimes, you might be on the mailing list for companies like Caregiverlist whose e-mails you care about, but don’t want to read individually. The Unroll.me app takes the work out of checking emails by allowing caregivers to unsubscribe from unwanted lists and organize their inboxes to get pertinent information in one daily digest.
When users first open the app, it asks them to log in using their e-mail provider for the account they’d like to manage. Once the app has access to your account, it shows a small tutorial for how to categorize e-mails. Swiping left will unsubscribe you from that particular list, swiping up puts that e-mail into your Daily Digest, and swiping right keeps your subscription as-is.
Then the app pops up with a notification letting caregivers know how many lists they’re subscribed to. The number may surprise you, as it could easily be over 100 subscriptions. Then the app proceeds to pull up individual previews of each unread email in your inbox. This gives caregivers the ability to categorize each one as they go through.
Caregivers may want to keep any e-mail subscriptions from the industry and roll them up into their daily digest, but unsubscribe from the mailing list of online retailers who they only made a one-time purchase from. However, for personal email addresses or those of your employer, family of senior clients, etc., you may want to maintain individual communication so you never miss an important message. If you roll these into your daily digest, it could mean you won’t see a request immediately.
Once caregivers finish sorting through all of their emails, they can go to the upper right corner and click on the newsletter icon to be taken to their daily digest. The digest won’t appear on the first day after users initially sort their emails, but moving forward users can see the daily digest here. Also, users have the option as time passes to go back and look at their daily digests from previous days.
The Unroll.me app is available for Apple platforms.
Senior caregivers, let us know your feedback on this app and keep us posted if you discover additional apps that assist with caregiving duties and help relieve caregiver stress. You may also refer-a-friend to a senior caregiving job and win prizes weekly and monthly on Caregiverlist.