Go Do Good: Volunteering Senior Care

We know there is a great shortage of senior caregivers. That looming need for qualified home health aide caregivers is a topic I’ll address in depth in a New Year blogpost, but for now I’ll address some of the abundant opportunities to help the elderly within your community.

Meal Delivery
I have a friend who works with a food pantry delivering meals monthly to homebound seniors in senior housing not far from her house. This month, she included in her deliveries a small three-dollar poinsettia. She said that the gratitude for not only the meal but the extra gift was immeasurable. She also said that the deliveries would have gone much quicker and easier with more hands. If you’d like to volunteer to prepare and/or deliver a meal to a senior, the Meals on Wheels program caters (pun intended) to seniors around the country through their local communities.

Relieve Isolation and Loneliness
According to the Census Bureau (2010), in Chicago, 1 in 3 householders over 65 years of age lives alone. Little Brothers, Friends of the Elderly has made it their mission to make sure no senior lives in isolation if they don’t want to be alone. It’s a national network of non-profit volunteer-based organizations committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. (They) offer to people of goodwill the opportunity to join the elderly in friendship and celebration of life. Contact your local chapter to investigate opportunities to visit an elder in person or by phone.

Share Your Skills
Many nursing homes and assisted living communities are always interested in hearing from potential volunteers to help with activities and programs. Usually after passing a background check, a TB test, and signing a confidentiality agreement, volunteers are welcome to help with social activities, lead arts, crafts, music, drama, and educational programs. While you won’t be able to help withe Activities of Daily Living (that’s reserved for trained professional caregivers,) you can share your expertise to help better lives. Technology can help bring long-distance family together, so sharing your computer knowledge can assist a senior in keeping connected. If you have video skills, help a senior center go viral! You have so much to offer — share where it will be appreciated most.

As my meal-delivering friend said, “It’s amazing how much a little interaction brightens the day of the senior crowd.” Keep the great holiday feeling going all year long. Perhaps make it a New Year’s resolution to bring a little light to a senior’s life by volunteering just a little bit of your time.

And from me and Caregiverlist, Happy Holidays!

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